Sunday, February 26, 2012


I have so many quilts started, that I don't even know how many. I find it useful to have quilts in various stages of completion. Reasons for this may range from, I needed something for a demonstration, to I needed something at a stage where I could bring it to a friend's to work on, to I had to start it to see how a certain idea would work. Even so, there is usually one quilt I am concentrating on; one I am putting the most effort into finishing. Right now that is my kaleidoscope quilt. It is the quilt I wrote my first blog post about. Just to remind you what it will look like, this is the EQ drawing I am working from.

At a recent retreat I got about a third of the blocks sewn together.

This is six rows of blocks. I have ten more rows to sew together. Unfortunately, I have not had much time for sewing lately, but when I can sneak a bit in, I am sewing the corners onto the remaining blocks.

Today, I managed to get 4 rows of blocks pressed while I was on the phone.

I am using my solid quilt blocks for leaders and enders.


Right now, progress seems mighty slow, but I am crawling in the right direction. Things seem to take forever at this stage; then all at once you have a finished quilt!

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