A week and half ago, I went to speak to the Altoona Guild in Acworth GA. I had a really great time there! Those ladies were so friendly, and welcoming. Talk about luck! I was there for the meeting where they have their covered dish Thanksgiving lunch. What a feast! What was even more fun, since they start their meeting in the morning, I got to spend the night at my friend Mary Beth's. Mary Beth lives only 15 minutes away from Acworth. It would have been too exciting for me to get there on time from where I live which was 65 miles away, during rush hour, through Atlanta.
I am proud that I have FINALLY added some tabs to the top of my blog. I think that was one of my New Years resolutions for this year.
I have done some sewing.
While visiting Mary Beth, and meeting with my friendship group, I have gotten a few more dresden plates sewn down on this quilt.
I have only one left to sew down, before I start connecting the sections, and sew down the second half of plates that I could only sew one side of since, they straddles 2 sections.
I also started another new quilt. I have written many times over the last year and a half over my wish to make a quilt about new spring leaves against the cerulean blue, clear, springtime sky. I guess this is a sort of ironic time to start that, but I have been collecting fabric for it for awhile, and I couldn't stand it any more. Here is a photo of my fabrics.

Here are a couple of photos I took of the sky and trees last spring. I was never able to get a photo that I thought really did it justice.
Last year my friend Eleanor ordered this quilt for her daughters wedding.
I have always wanted to make a quilt that used the central motif in the above quilt as smaller blocks. I am thinking I will make 9, or 12 blocks for this quilt. Here are the first 2.
Not sure if I like the brightness of the green in the block on the left. I will have to see how it fits in with future blocks. It may get the boot if it doesn't play well enough with the others.
I haven't forgotten this quilt. I started 2 new blocks. I am using these 2 quilts for leaders and enders for each other.
Ironically, both of these quilts are using smaller blocks from motifs that I had previously used to make a whole quilt. Here is the original quilt from the above motif, for those who may be new to this blog.
So, that is what I have been up to lately. Hope you have been having a lovely autumn. Thanks for stopping by!