Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Getting Ready for another Retreat-YIPPEE!

     First point: Now that all of my major weaving deadlines are behind me, I hope to be able to make this blog a bit more interesting. How? Well for one thing, I am pretty sure it will be easier to write about making quilts while I am actually making some quilts!
      Would you believe it? I am getting ready for another retreat! I love this  time of year. It is a bit decedent that I go to one retreat in February, then another in April, then, yet another in June! I feel a bit guilty about all of this retreating, but only a bit. I justify it by saying that the concentrated sewing time is good for me; and so is the exhilaration you get from being among other quilters, and all of their creativity!  Also, and this is not a minor point; I will see friends that I don't get to see very often.

     So my plan for this retreat is to work on 1) The Bird Cage Quilt.

2) The Ellipse quilt.

And 3) The Solid quilt.

     Of course you never know what you will be inspired to work on until you get there, but a girl has got to have a plan; am I right? Why not the kaleidoscope quilt? Because I only have 2 big seams left on the kaleidoscope quilt, and it is finished! So I won't bother carrying it to retreat with me, I will just finish it next week.

     I have been trying to get the above solid quilt blocks as close to finished as I could get them. First I was using them as a leader/ender(Hats off to Bonnie Hunter) while I was working on sewing together my kaleidoscope quilt; and got quite a pile started.

Then I really concentrated on getting the rest sewed.

     Then, they all had to be pressed, so this is where I stand now.

     Just 2 seams to go, and those blocks will be finished; so I will be able to take them to retreat and experiment with different ways of laying them out on the design wall. I have an idea, but I won't be able to show you until I get some of them made.

      Also, this:

was not enough triangles, so I am cutting more. I wanted to get the whole units made in time to go to retreat but....

let's face it. That's just not going to happen, so I am just trying to get all of the pieces cut and paired; and I will sew them at retreat.

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