Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Choosing Fabrics for the Next Row of Diamonds

To continue with the "diamond" quilt, I had to choose a set of fabrics for the next section of the quilt.

The fabrics for the half row along the bottom of the page is already chosen because that section is a mirror image of what I have already done, so I will just repeat the same fabrics.

I needed to choose the fabrics for the next row of diamonds. I have indicated that row with a piece of string in the above photo.

I need 10 browns, 8 earthy greens, 6 reds, 4 of another kind of brown, and 2 khakis.  Here is what I have planned.

So I will begin incorporating these color families in the next section of the quilt.

That's what I am up to for the near future.

Thanks for stopping by!

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